Corporate Finance | White Paper Library

Corporate Finance White Paper Library

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Are Dividend Recaps A Smart Move For Entrepreneurs?

Abstract: In the private equity world dividend recaps are having a moment. It’s easy to see why private equity funds might do a dividend recap. But, would a dividend recap be a smart move for entrepreneurs, even those with no intention of selling? On the surface, most owners may say ‘no’ but digging deeper there can be some compelling reasons to consider a dividend recap, but those reasons differ from why PE funds are currently doing them.

Download "Are Dividend Recaps A Smart Move For Entrepreneurst" from our White Paper Library

Refinance Company Debt Fast

Abstract:  Shocking headlines from major financial institutions like Merrill Lynch to Fannie Mae, underscore the liquidity shortage that now faces banks and thus operating companies. Many quality companies will get caught in the middle. Detailed below is a fast track process for finding financing alternatives and added peace of mind during these uncertain times. 

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Financial Planning Steps For High Growth Companies

To most, the words corporate finance or corporate financial planning especially when used in the context of high growth companies is just a fancy way of saying ‘raising capital’. But corporate financial planning plays a key role in unlocking and managing growth that goes far beyond just looking for capital.

Download "Corporate Finance: Financial Planning Steps For High Growth Companies" from our White Paper Library

Raising Capital: Creative Financing Trends

Abstract:  Innovations and trends continue to develop which improve financing alternatives for established, entrepreneurial companies. These include continued new product innovation, increasing nationwide competition, bigger disparities between banks, and increased funding for owners’ personal liquidity (cash dividends). Each of these trends is discussed below and illustrated with a recent example.

Raising Capital Creative Financing Trends Chris Risey

Download "Raising Capital Creative Financing Trends".

What Is Your Fast Break Strategy

Abstract:  A fast break play in basketball occurs when a team races down the court and scores a goal as quickly possible. Loosely translating that to business, fast break strategy means an approach that maximizes an owner’s goal (i.e. like running up the score), or achieves a desired goal as quickly as possible.

Find Your Fast Break Strategy Chris Risey

Download "Finding Your Fast Break Strategy" from our White Paper Library

Eureka! A Better Way To Raise Capital And Explore Financing Alternatives

What’s the old saying, “Adversity brings innovation”? As the financial markets began to unravel last year, many financial institutions stopped making new investments, and those that were lending and investing were constantly changing their investment parameters. In order to give clients (and ourselves) peace of mind, we reengineered our approach to capital raising and found not only a solution for a challenging market, but a process that likely works best in any market. (Chris Risey)

Download "Eureka! A Better Way To Raise Capital and Explore Financing Alternatives". September 2009

Ready To Learn More About Working With Lantern Capital Advisors?

Lantern Capital Advisors works exclusively with growing companies on a hourly consulting model basis to provide corporate financial consulting services in order to raise capital to fund faster growth, execute management buyouts, refinance corporate debt, or provide financing for acquisitions.  Contact Us Today to Learn more and investigate how you can achieve your corporate finance objectives.


Lantern Capital Advisors is a corporate financial consulting firm that specializes in corporate financial consulting, specifically geared towards raising capital for established growing companies.  We don’t accept referral fees, broker fees, or equity as any compensation from any client or institution.

Our Services Offerings Include:

To Learn More About Raising Capital And Explore Your Financing Alternatives, Contact Us

We invite you to contact us to help your company CONFIDENTIALLY explore raising capital.